Monday, November 11, 2013

All Hail, Annie Sloan!

In my last post, I was having some issues with The Great Chalk Paint Experiment. I didn't like the color, and the paint wasn't really adhering to the slate floor in the entryway.

I decided to prime it well (as well as my impatient self could handle), and then it was off to the boutique that sells the Annie Sloan chalk paint for advice and a new hue.

My ready for prime-time floor ..

The owner was oh-so-informative and eventually helped me choose a new color: Paris Grey. I knew it was meant to be because the walls are Parisian Mist. It'll be like visiting the Eiffel Tower when you come to our house!

My plan was to mix the original color with the new and come up with a creamy grey or a greyish cream. But after some experimentation, Mr. Hubby and I agreed that Paris Grey full-throttle was the way to go. The other permutations looked a little pukey.

Paris Grey is on the large tile; the other two are a 1:1 ratio with the Cream paint; then a 2:1 Cream to PG.

With roller in hand, I spent the next five hours painting ... and painting ... and painting. The grout lines are what got me. At first I was painting the tiles first and filling in the grout. But then I'd have to go back and repaint the tiles to make sure I didn't get too many nasty lines.

About halfway through (yes, sometimes my little pea brain takes a while to catch on), I switched it up and painted the grout first -- much quicker.

After it dried, I could see all the spots I missed or where the paint didn't soak in, so a second coat was on the docket for Saturday. Great plan, but when I got started, I couldn't really tell where I had been vs. where I needed to go. So I ended up just touching up the light spots and hoping for the best.

Yesterday, we moved the area rug back in so I could see exactly which parts of the floor are going to show. A few touch ups later, it was time to remove the tape to see what havoc I had wreaked on the baseboards. Some of them have lovely streaks of Paris Grey paint on them, so touching those up will have to be added to the to-do list.

So after writing this post, it's off to the hardware store for some polyurethane. Our experience hasn't been the best with these shellac-type products -- they always seem to change the color of the paint -- but I'm hoping for the best.

My plan is to put about four coats on (advice from other blogs). Then we'll move everything back into the room.

The absolute hardest part of this whole project has been keeping the dog out of the area. She's been quarantined during actual painting times (she thinks it's major punishment) and cut off from part of the house (she'd have to pass through the foyer on her way) while it's drying. She is SO ready for this particular project to be over.

If I do a good job getting a first coat of poly down, I may treat myself and go to the fabric store in search of pillow material that has the green from the walls and the grey from the floor. There's nothing like a pillow to cure any interior design problem that ails ya (my thought for the day).

The photo doesn't look that great; to see the real thing, you'll have to visit ...

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