Thursday, July 4, 2013

Play the Glad Game!

In a quest to get back to my Pollyanna/Norman Vincent Peale ways, I have decided to indulge in a mental exercise that Ms. P called The Glad Game.

In the classic tale about the little girl who maintained a great outlook despite her circumstances, Pollyanna would try to find the positive in whatever happened to her.

So I'm going to play The Glad Game myself.

Not having a kitchen is pretty much a total drag, but there are some upsides. One is the whole concept of frozen dinners. The idea that one can conjure up a gourmet-sounding meal in seven minutes or less is pretty amazing. And no pre-planning is needed.

Mr. Hubby would like chicken piccata? No problem -- presto, a delicious smelling delicacy can be placed in front of him in the time it takes to press a knife in the plastic overwrap for venting.

LevelHead Jr. would like mac 'n cheese, corn and a brownie for dessert? Boom, there it is! Sure, it takes a few seconds longer to remove the plastic wrap from only the brownie before microwaving, but she's worth it.

And the lack of prep time has really made it ideal for Mr. Hubby and me to enjoy some cocktail time in the new porch before dinner. At the old house, one of us would have to eventually leave the fun to start cooking. Not now. We have the time to get downright tipsy if we want.

Not having a kitchen also makes grocery shopping a breeze. I've got it down to about fifteen minutes. I stop in produce, dairy and frozen foods, and voila,  my weekly task is done.

Plus, I've talked Mr. Hubby into letting us eat out two times a week for dinner. We never used to go out that much.

Hmmm, the more I'm thinking about it, maybe I should hope our quartz countertop is MIA for a few weeks longer, at least to get me through the summer.

See how much fun The Glad Game is? Try to play it yourself. You just might find a problem has a silver lining.

Happy Independence Day, everyone! I'm off to the grocery store to see if any frozen dinners come with fireworks ...


  1. I'm back as a most avid reader and how I have missed your salient musings!! Let me know where you guys are headed next out to dinner - Audrey and I will meet you. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Now, now, no fighting. This blog is all about the love ... :)
