Friday, October 18, 2013

Here We Go (Yet) Again ...

First on my new & improved reno list was painting the foyer. Many eons ago, I posted that a suitable paint color couldn't be found. I wanted a pale green color and after many sample cans plus mutations from said sample cans, I decided to go back to the original.

So off I went to Lowe's where I: how well do you know me ... Mr. Hubby could finish this sentence even if he didn't live with me ... it's so predictable ... picked YET ANOTHER color: Parisian Mist.

But this time I didn't bother with the sample, I got the real deal. No more fooling around. I decided THIS WAS IT, for better or worse.

Onto the wall Parisian Mist went. It's very pale, but very pretty. Mr. Hubby originally told me that he would paint pinstripes in white, which would look tres cool. But now he says that the green might be too pale to show the contrasting stripes. I don't agree, so I may need to do a sample to show him that they would still look fabulous -- light or dark.  

I only got a quart, thinking that would certainly be enough for the teensy area. But these walls soak in paint somethin' fierce. so a second coat is needed, I think. See, I've had optic neuritis twice, which really makes my ability to see pale colors super-funky. So I'm not really sure I got the walls covered well.

But I'm making progress, and that's the important part. Below are pictures mid-project. I'll post more when I get the second coat applied.

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