Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'm Back, Baby!!

It's been so long since I've posted, I feel like I'm starting a new blog. And I'm sure any previously loyal reader is long gone.

So we'll just pretend this is the first day of my new blog. Let me give you some recent background: I was having a hard time balancing work and reno since my job hours were smack-dab in the middle of the day. I wasn't getting anything done pre- and post-work. After much soul-searching and boring Mr. Hubby with yet more of my  ''oh, what should I do'' monologues, I decided to quit my job and concentrate on just the house renovation, with the hopes of becoming a substitute teacher a day or two per week, leaving me full days to work on house projects.

The substitute teacher gig isn't becoming a reality as of yet. The school district coordinator was oh-so-friendly until I submitted my on-line application. Then she clammed up like a senator at an ethics hearing. She either has a problem with my full legal name or someone gave me a bad reference.

Major bummer. I think I did a good job at the school, but the fact that I left so soon after the start of the academic year may have marked me as 'flaky' and 'unstable' (although I worked most of last year in the same job). Who knows.

So this week I've been in the house with oodles of projects to start. But there's been this little part of me that fears spending too much time alone and slowly being driven mad by the Ghost of Renovation Past. So I made a point to plan social outings that would force me into the world. I got out a lot, meeting people at lunch places and Starbucks, running errands, doing a little volunteering -- so much so that I haven't had much time to work on the house ... ironic, isn't it.

So starting next week, it's all about getting things done AT HOME. I may start seeing visions and succumb to the dark side of anti-social behavior, but at least I'll have some painted rooms to show for it.

I hope you'll join me for Level Headed Part II. I've started making a list of everything I want to get done. It's pretty overwhelming, but I should have the time since I'll be home a lot -- if I can just drown out those voices with the radio ...

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