Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Third Time's A Charm ...

As we move along in this house renovation, I am more and more amazed at my total lack of experience in the world of DYI (see, I even spelled it wrong). Never has it been so blatantly obvious than over the past few days when I've attempted to hang pictures by myself.

Sure, I've banged a nail in a wall before to get something to hang mid-air (well, let's be honest; it would take several nail holes before the placement was just right). But in this house, we decided to use drywall anchors to make sure the gypsum didn't come crashing down around us, opening up the house more than we had intended.

So off I went to the living room with needed materials in my handy toolbelt (I don't actually have one, but I think I may add that to my Christmas wish list -- how cute would that be to add to my oh-so-chic overalls; I'm sure I'd be a star on Contractor Fashion Police).

I attacked the first picture hanging with gusto. I was ready to start making these bare walls look like someone actually cared about them. So began my battle with the drywall anchors. For the uninitiated, drywall anchors are like little caves that you pound into the wall, giving the screw more support than just banging it directly into the drywall without the help of a stud.

So let me tell you why and how it look me three tries to actually hang something myself.

Picture #1 -- it would have worked perfectly if I had known the difference between a drywall and screwdriver bit. The hole I drilled with the screwdriver bit was so large, I was able to push in the anchor with just my finger, which meant the screw just kept circling around and around like a shiny carousel. Mr. Hubby couldn't stop laughing when I asked him what I had done wrong. He wanted to know if I had been wearing my glasses when I grabbed the drill bit. Well, yes I had, but it doesn't matter when you don't know the difference anyway. 1st Piece of Advice: Know your drill bits or prepare to be the butt of many a tool-challenged joke.

Picture #2 -- so this time I knew which bit to use, thank you very much, but the hole I drilled into the wall was at an angle (who knew?), so I wasn't able to get the screw in correctly. This mistake didn't generate nearly as many laughs as the bit debacle when I had to ask for help, so I knew my DIY skills were improving ... slowly. 2nd Piece of Advice: You've got to be straight (that's not in any way intended to be a declaration regarding sexual preference).

Picture #3 -- I was able to hang this one all by myself! But I did have to drill two holes because I didn't like the placement of the first one. But all in all, it was a huge success, and I now have the knowledge to start hanging things all over the house, whether the walls need it or not. 3rd Piece of Advice: We don't need no stinkin' men!

Hope you have a GIRL POWER day!!!

Picture #1 -- the saga begins.

Picture #2 -- actually, a mirror.

Picture #3 -- perfection!

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