Monday, April 22, 2013

I don't have time to be sick!

I thought my cold was getting better; then over the weekend, WHAM! I slammed into the mucus wall. Headache, total body aches, sore throat, blah, blah, blah ...

So instead of meeting Mr Honest, handyman/cabinet maker extraordinnaire, and then going to work, I spent the morning going to the doctor and getting a prescription filled. Sinus infection city. Don't get those very often -- I'm blaming it on the snot-nosed kids (not being mean -- they literally have snot oozing from their olfactory body part) at the school where I work. The kindergarteners just cannot get the hang of coughing into their elbows; they prefer the phlegm in your face approach.

Anyway, needless to say, I wasn't too productive this weekend, but Mr. Hubby picked up the slack! He installed all the cement board in LevelHead Jr.'s shower, waterproofed it with RedGuard (good thing my nose was stuffed up -- toxic fumes a-wafting from that agent orange. He even installed a few tiles to practice.

Well, this blog post has sapped my last drop of writing energy, and I hear the bed calling my name and my sleep number - 95. So it's off for a nap ... hope to be back in at least partial swing in a couple of days ...

Here are some pics of Mr. Hubby working hard in the shower.

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