Saturday started with a playdate for LevelHead, Jr. so that Mr. Hubby and I could tackle the kitchen floor and its maybe/maybe not asbestos issues.
After dropping off LHJ, I arrived at the house to find my better half tearing out clumps of vinyl, simultaneously informing me that he felt like Sherman razing Atlanta during the Civil War. I made a mental note to see if hallucinations were a symptom of asbestos exposure. I decided it was best to nod my head in agreement, afraid that spousal attacks might be another side effect for dubious wives.
But as I got to work, I found he was completely right (or I succumbed to the fumes, as well). Success was all about finding a weak spot in the enemy's line and going after it with all your might. If you could get your putty knife under just a centimeter of obstinate adhesive, you had a good chance of eventually ripping out a fairly good-sized piece. After a while, we were left with The Islands of Stubbornness -- pieces of flooring that were harder to get into than a new kid's toy wrapped in plastic.
We got about 75% removed and agreed that we had a better chance of finally winning this war after a good night's sleep. But it turned out the enemy also had a chance to rest, strengthening its hold even more. So now we've decided the best plan of attack is wearing down our opponent with frequent insurgent maneuvers.
We have seen the enemy, and he is Armstrong Solarium Vinyl!
BTW, Mr. Hubby had a face-to-face with Robin, our aviary friend and convinced him to check out our screened-in porch and then eventually released him back into the wild.
Here are some pics from this weekend, including my Catch of the Day, one of the biggest pieces of flooring I got up intact.
Nice catch, hon.