Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nickels and Dimes

After a day of self-pity -- "oh, poor me, I don't get my pretty kitchen as soon as I wanted; it's such a tragedy" -- please.

I gave myself a 'get-off-the-overflowing-pity-pot' talk and got back on the sawhorse. Tall Drink of Water and his motley crew of slow-pokes don't have to take me down -- well, at least, not completely shut me down. If we can't get cookin' in the kitchen, we do have a total bathroom reno to complete before our move.

I was having a hard time calling in the professionals because I wanted to be a true General Contractor and wait until I had every job ready to go before calling in the big boys/girls -- all the plumbing at once, all the electrical at once, etc. It would be more economical but pretty impossible.

So I'll nickel and dime this operation if I have to in order to move forward. I got on the phone and started scheduling my soon-to-be contractor comrades for specific jobs: the HVAC company to move the heating duct from one wall to the other; the plumber to reconfigure the bathroom sink vent that used to be in the removed soffit; the electrician to move electrical lines from said soffit to the wall. Plus, I have the owner of the electrical company, who also freelances as a lighting designer (the operative word being "free"), coming to give me advice on future kitchen illumination.

And when all else fails, SHOP!!! I've tried to put off getting distracted by choosing fixtures and paint colors and all the fun stuff until the down and dirty tasks were done. But if Tall Drink is going to thwart my good intentions, then I will keep this train moving by visiting every showroom, big box store and on-line boutique that I can fit into my days -- that's how dedicated I am to this project.

It's onward and upward time again, dear readers. See you at Lowe's!! 



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